Wednesday April 29th, 2015
Interview Result: did not get the position.
Feedback: none, and did not solicit.
Monday May 11th, 2015
Interview Result: did not get the position.
Feedback: You're over the top, relax, don't try and over sell yourself. If you don't know the answer or what to do in specific scenarios simply say you would report and check-in with Athletic Director or Principal for guidance.
Thursday May 14th, 2015
Interview Result: did not get the position.
Feedback: none, and did not solicit.
Tuesday May 26, 2015
After being notified that I did not get the Head Coach position, I was contacted about helping the team, presumably as an Assistant Coach. While I feel strongly about my coaching philosophy and training methodologies, which is why my goal is to obtain a head coach position, but I don't have anything at the moment, so why not help right? So, I go to this meeting and learn that the school has in fact not hired a head coach. In the meeting are several other coaches whom may or may not have interviewed for the head coach position. The plan is, once per week through June and July, we meet and cover training sessions as a group. Not sure what to make of this yet, perhaps a field test, and time to get to know one another.
Friday June 12th, 2015
Interview Result: did not get the position but was the closet yet, I was only beat out by one person, a teaching faculty member.
Feedback: Athletic Director said I was great and thought I was ready to become a High School Head Soccer Coach. If a faculty members wasn't interested in the coaching position she would have hired me, shoots so close, so far.
The following are some things to think about prior to walking into that interview.
In addition to these suggestions, there are certain answers that will raise a red flag with many athletic directors. Try to avoid any mention of:
Since interviews play such an important role in obtaining a coaching position, it is only logical that coaches should prepare and practice for these opportunities. Very few coaches would approach a game without having prepared in practice sessions. Why would you enter an interview without making this same type of effort?
Research the school or club as best as possible.
Realize you are one of five or more first round interview candidates, and many schools relate a higher number of interviews to a higher prominence in the media, community, etc. Also, many positions have a front-runner before the first interview is given.
Be Yourself
Convey enthusiasm and make sure your body language is sending the proper signals during the interview.
Ask questions which pertain to the position, as it relays an interest in the position.
Dress Professionally
Do not wear shorts and a t-shirt, dress in business attire. If you have something that matches the school or club primary
colors, wear it as long as it's nice and clean cut.
© 2008 - 2025 - Brant Wojack